
Q. 佐賀ベリーフォレストまでの公共の交通機関はありますか?/Is there public transportation to get the Saga Berry Forest ?

A. 佐賀駅バスセンターより450円 約30分ののち、徒歩3分です。バスでのご来園についてはこちらをご覧ください。
It is about 3 minutes after 450 yen about 30 minutes from Saga station bus center.

Q. 予約は必要ですか?/Do I need an appointment?

A. 基本的に予約が必要となります。 いちごの栽培状況により、予約無しで来られたお客様は入園をお断りする場合がございます。
Reservations are basically necessary. Depending on the cultivation situation of strawberry, guests who come without reservation may refuse admission.

Q. いちごの品種は何ですか?/What is the strawberry breed?

A. おいCベリーやさがほのか、紅ほっぺ、とちおとめをはじめ、全国で人気の10種類をご準備しております。
We are preparing 10 types of popular nationwide, including Hello C Berry and Saka Honoka, Red Happer, Ha Virgo.

Q. 雨の日は開園していますか?/Are you opening a rainy day?

A. ビニールハウスのため、少々の雨であれば開園いたしております。 風雨が強い場合は閉園するばあいがあります。 雨の日はより、お足元が汚れやすいので、ご注意ください。
Because it is a plastic house, we will open it if it is a little rain. If wind and rain is strong, there is a case of closing. Please note that your feet are more dirty than rainy days.

Q. 予約内容(日時・人数など)に変更がある時は?/What should I do when there is a change in reservation content?

A. お電話にてご連絡お願いいたします。電話番号:0952-55-3515
Please contact us by phone.

服装について / What to wear

It can be hot in the green house, so you better wear something casual and easy to take off and on. You will feel cold out after picking in the greenhouse, please be ready for that.

いちごを摘む際のご注意 / Tips for picking strawberries

Please do not pull too hard, the fruits are sensitive. Ask the staffs when you need help.

食べ方のおすすめ / How to eat the strawberries

Make sure the fruit is ripe, and let’s eat from its hull side, to enjoy the sweeter bottom part in the end.

ハチについて / About the bee in the house

There are bees in the house for pollination. They are usually safe to be around, but please do not scare them. Also, please do not enter the area as signs show.



Only available with a Reservation.

ご予約・混雑状況 アクセス お問い合わせ